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Min Suk Lee a, 1, Taufiq Ahmad b, 1, Jinkyu Lee b
2017년 1월 30일2분 분량
Dual delivery of growth factors with coacervate-coated poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) nanofiber impro
Abstract Random skin flaps are commonly used in plastic and reconstructive surgery for patients suffering from severe or large scale...
조회수 6회댓글 0개
Young-Bock Shim a,b,1, Hong-Hee Jung b,c,1
2016년 5월 5일1분 분량
Fabrication of hollow porous PLGA microspheres using sucrose for controlled dual delivery of dexamet
Abstract Hollow porous poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) microspheres (HP-PLGA-MS) were manufactured using the water-in-oil-in-water double...
조회수 4회댓글 0개
Wan-Gun La,‡a Jinah Jang,‡b Byoung Soo Kim
2016년 1월 13일1분 분량
Systemically replicated organic and inorganic bony microenvironment for new bone formation generated
Abstract Here, bone demineralized and decellularized extracellular matrix (bdECM) was coated on the surface of the 3D printed...
조회수 4회댓글 0개
Min Suk Lee, Wan-Geun La, Esther Park
2015년 12월 12일1분 분량
Synergetic effect of 3,4-dihydroxy-L-phenylalanine-modified poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) nanopatter
Abstract Nanoscale topography substrates have potential in guiding cell polarization and migration. Wound healing can be accelerated by...
조회수 8회댓글 0개
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