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Hee Seok Yang
1월 10일2분 분량
골 재생을 위한 Acrylic Acid와 Boron Nitirde가 코팅된 나노지형학 지지체 제조
Academic Journal Polymer The Fabrication of Acrylic Acid and Boron Nitride Coated NanotopographicalSubstrate for New Bone Formation 13,...
조회수 2회댓글 0개
Hee Seok Yang
2023년 2월 22일1분 분량
Fibrinogen-based cell and spheroid sheets manipulating and delivery for mouse hindlimb ischemia
Academic Journal Biofabrication Fibrinogen-based cell and spheroid sheets manipulating and delivery for mouse hindlimb ischemia 11 Jan...
조회수 168회댓글 0개
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