Graduates Members
Min Suk Lee 이민석
2014.03 석박통합 입학
2020.02 박사 졸업
2020.03 단국대 나노바이오의과학과 연구교수
Best Poster Presentation Award (TERMIS-AP, Sep. 2014)
Best Poster Presentation Award (KTERMS, Jun, 2016)
표창장 (범정학술상 최우수상, May, 2017)
Best Oral Presentation Award (The Korean Society for Biomaterials, Oct, 2017)
Best Poster Present Award (Korean Society for Stem Cell Research, Aug, 2017)
표창장 (범정학술상 장려상, Jul, 2019)
표창장 (범정학술상 최우수상, Feb, 2020)
Future talent award – ROKIT HEALTHCARE (KTERMS, Aug, 2020)
Best Poster Presentation Award (TERMIS-AP, Oct. 2022)
특허 7편
논문 30편

Extracelullar matrix-inspired BMP-2 delivering biodegradable fibrous particle for bone tissue engineering.
Systemically replicated organic and inorganic bony microenvironment for new bone formation generated by a 3D printing technology.
Effect of dual growth factor delivery using poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) mesh on neovascularization in a mouse skin flap model.
In vitro and in vivo dentinogenic efficacy of human dental pulp-derived cells induced by demineralized dentin matrix and HA-TCP.
Controlled retention of BMP-2 derived peptide on nanofibers based on mussel-inspired adhesion for bone formation.
Dual delivery of growth factors with coacervate-coated poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) nanofiber improves neovascularization in a mouse skin flap model.
Plant flavonoid-Mediated Multifunctional Surface Modification Chemistry: Catechin Coating for Enhanced Osteogenesis of Human Stem Cells.
Synergetic effect of 3,4-dihydroxy-L-phenylalanine-modified poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) nanopatterned patch with fibroblast growth factor-2 for skin wound regeneration.
In Situ Bone Tissue Engineering With an Endogenous Stem Cell Mobilizer and Osteoinductive Nanofibrous Polymeric Scaffolds.
Sphingosine-1-Phosphate Immobilized on Nanotopographical Scaffolds Improve Myogenic Differentiation.
Progress in topographically defined scaffolds for drug delivery system.
Topographically Defined Biodegradable Nanopatterned Patches to Regulate Cell Fate and Acceleration of Bone Regeneration.
Biodegradable Nerve Guidance Conduit with Microporous and Micropatterned Poly(lactic‐co‐glycolic acid)‐Accelerated Sciatic Nerve Regeneration.
Differentiated osteoblasts derived decellularized extracellular matrix to promote osteogenic differentiation.
Oxidative coating of epigallocatechin gallate on polymeric substrates as a multi-functional interface for regulating multiple bone healing process.
Coacervate-mediated Exogenous Growth Factor Delivery for Scarless Skin Regeneration.
Accelerated bone regeneration via three-dimensional cell-printed constructs containing human nasal turbinate-derived stem cells as a clinically applicable therapy.
Nature-inspired Rollable Electronics.
Biofabrication and application of decellularized bone extracellular matrix for effective bone regeneration.
Electrically conductive hydrogel nerve guidance conduits for peripheral nerve regeneration.
Micro-grooved nerve guidance conduits combined with microfiber for rat sciatic nerve regeneration.
Osteoconductive hybrid hyaluronic acid hydrogel patch for effective bone formation.
In situ pocket-type microcarrier (PMc) as a therapeutic composite: Regeneration of cartilage with stem cells, genes, and drugs.
Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of Prussian blue nanozyme promotes full-thickness skin wound healing.
Enhanced Extraction of Skin Interstitial Fluid Using a Tilted Microneedle Device Fabricated by 3D Printing.
Nanozyme Impregnated Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Hepatic Ischemia Reperfusion Injury Alleviation.
Mechanically-reinforced and highly adhesive decellularized tissue-dirived hydrogel for efficient tissue repair.
Micro-grooved patterned PCL patches with DOPA for rat Achilles tendon regeneration.
Rationally designed bioactive milk-derived protein scaffolds enhanced new bone formation.
Fibrinogen-based cell and spheroid sheets manipulating and delivery for muscle hindlimb ischemia.
Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 3, 8375-8382 (2015) (IF: 7.571)
RSC Advances, 6, 11546-11553 (2016) (IF: 4.036)
Macromolecular Research, 24, 385-391 (2016) (IF: 2.127)
Stem Cells International, 6, 1-15 (2017) (IF: 5.131)
Tissue Engineering Part A, 23, 323-334 (2017) (IF: 4.080)
Biomaterials, 124, 65-77 (2017) (IF: 15.304)
Chemistry of Materials, 29, 4375-4384 (217) (IF: 10.508)
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B Applied Biomaterials, 3, 594-604 (2017) (IF: 3.405)
Biotechnology Journal, 12, 1700268 (2017) (IF: 5.726)
Biotechnology Journal, 12, 1700268 (2017) (IF: 5.726)
Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation, 48, 167-174 (2017) (IF : 0.623)
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 10, 38780-38790 (2018) (IF: 10.383)
Macromolecular Bioscience, 18, 1800290 (2018) (IF: 5.859)
Biomaterials Research, 22, Article number:4 (2018) (IF: 15.863)
Macromolecular Bioscience, 2019, 19, 1800392 (2019) (IF: 5.859)
Acta Biomaterialia, 90, 179-191 (2019) (IF: 10.633)
ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering, 5, 6171-6185 (2019) (IF: 5.395)
NPG Asia materials, 11, 67 (2019) (IF: 10.761)
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 83, 323-332 (2020) (IF: 6.760)
Advanced Functional Materials, 30, 2003759 (2020) (IF: 19.924)
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 90, 214-223 (2020) (IF: 6.760)
Journal of Controlled Release, 332, 337-345 (2021) (IF: 11.467)
Materials Science and Engineering C, 119;111596 (2021) (IF: 7.328)
Scientific Reports, 11;14018 (2021) (IF: 4.996)
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 9;13(22):25649-25662 (2021) (IF: 10.383)
Chemical Engineering Journal, 427, 1, 130926 (2021) (IF: 16.744)
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 105, 25, 352-364 (2022) (IF: 6.760)
Bioactive Materials (2023) (IF: 16.874)
Biofabrication (2023) (IF: 11.061)
Esther Park 박에스더
2014.03 석사 입학
2016.02 석사 졸업
2016.03 국립 암 센터 연구원
Best Article Award (Korea Society for Biomaterials, Mar. 2015)
표창장 (범정학술상 최우수상, 2015)
특허 1편
논문 1편

Biodegradable Nanotopography Combined with Neurotrophic Signals Enhances Contact Guidance and Neuronal Differentiation of Human Neural Stem Cells.
Macromolecular Bioscience 15:1348-1356 (2015) (IF:3.85)
Seong Min Kim 김성민
2016.03 석사 입학
2018.02 석사 졸업
2019.04 Tokyo Woman’s University, Ph.D. Candidate
Best Poster Award (Korea Society for Biomaterials, 2016)
Best Poster Award (Korea Society for Biomaterials, 2017)
Best Poster Award (KSSCR, 2017)
논문 1편

Biodegradable nerve guidance conduit with microporous and micropatterned poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) accelerated sciatic nerve regeneration.
Macromolecular Bioscience (2018) (IF:3.85)
Dong Heoyn Lee 이동현
2016.03 석사 입학
2018.02 석사 졸업
2019.03 (前) T&R biofab 연구원
Best Poster Award (Korea Society for Biomaterials, 2016)
Best Poster Award (KTERMIS, 2016)
Best Poster Award (Korea Society for Biomaterials, 2017)
논문 1편

Biofabrication and application of Decellularized bone extracellular matrix for effective bone regeneration.
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry (2020) (IF:4.978)
Jin Jeon 전 진
2017.03 석박통합 입학
2023.02 박사 졸업
2023.03 한국과학기술연구원 (KIST) 선임연구원
Best Poster Award (The Korean Society for Biomaterials, Mar, 2018)
Best Poster Award (The Korean Society for Biomaterials, Mar, 2019)
표창장 (범정학술상, Jul, 2019)
Best poster Award (KTERMS, Oct, 2020)
Cell Bio Award (KTERMS, Oct, 2021)
Best Poster Presentation Award (TERMIS-AP, Oct. 2022)
표창장 (범정학술상 최우수상, Feb, 2023)
특허 6편
논문 30편

Progress in topographically defined scaffolds for drug delivery system.
Differentiated osteoblasts derived decellularized extracellular matrix to promote osteogenic differentiation. Biomaterials Research.
Topographically defined, biodegradable nanopatterned patches to regulate cell fate and acceleration of bone regeneration.
Biodegradable nerve guidance conduit with microporous and micropatterned poly (lactic‐co‐glycolic acid)‐accelerated sciatic nerve regeneration.
Coacervate-mediated exogenous growth factor delivery for scarless skin regeneration.
Nature-inspired rollable electronics.
Biofabrication and application of decellularized bone extracellular matrix for effective bone regeneration.
Micro-grooved nerve guidance conduits combined with microfiber for rat sciatic nerve regeneration.
Electrically conductive hydrogel nerve guidance conduits for peripheral nerve regeneration.
Catalytic nanographene oxide with hemin for enhanced photodynamic therapy.
Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of Prussian blue nanozyme promotes full-thickness skin wound healing.
Nanozyme impregnated mesenchymal stem cells for hepatic ischemia-reperfusion injury alleviation.
Micro-groove patterned PCL patches with DOPA for rat Achilles tendon regeneration.
Rationally designed bioactive milk-derived protein scaffolds enhanced new bone formation.
Fibrinogen-based cell and spheroid sheets manipulating and delivery for mouse hindlimb ischemia.
Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation, 48(2), 167-174 (2018) (IF : 0.623)
Biomaterials Research, 22(1), 1-9 (2018) (IF : 0.828)
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 10(45), 38780-38790 (2018) (IF : 8.456)
Macromolecular bioscience, 18(12), 1800290 (2018) (IF : 2.895)
Acta biomaterialia, 90, 179-191 (2019) (IF : 7.242)
NPG Asia Materials, 11(1), 1-10 (2019) (IF : 8.131)
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 83, 323-332 (2020) (IF : 6.064)
Advanced Functional Materials, 30(39), 2003759 (2020) (IF : 18.808)
Journal of Controlled Release, 326, 442-454 (2020) (IF : 9.776)
Materials Science and Engineering: C, 119, 111596 (2021) (IF : 8.457)
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 13(22), 25649-25662 (2021) (IF : 10.383)
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 105, 352-364 (2022) (IF : 6.76)
Bioactive Materials, 20, 368-380 (2023) (IF : 16.874)
Biofabrication (2023) (IF : 11.061)
Sihyeon Park 박시현
2019.03 석사 입학
2021.02 석사 졸업
2021.04 한스바이오메드(주) 연구원
Best Paper Award (Korea Society for Biomaterials, KSBM 2019)
Best Poster Award (Korean Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Society, KTERMS 2020)
논문 1편

Micro-groove patterned PCL patches with DOPA for rat Achilles tendon regeneration.
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry (2021) (IF:6.064)
Yucheol Son 손유철
2021.03 석사 입학
2023.02 석사 졸업
2023.03 한스바이오메드(주) 연구원
Best Paper Award (Korea Society for Biomaterials, KSBM, Mar 2022)
논문 1편

The Fabrication and Application of Micro-patterned Functional Garft Jacket using Shape Memory Polymer for Tendon Regeneration.
투고 준비중
Taeoh Kim 김태오
2021.03 석사 입학
2023.02 석사 졸업
2023.03 (주) 제네웰 연구원
Best Poster Award (Korean Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Society, KTERMS, Jun 2021)
논문 1편

Development of Electrospun Nerve Guidance Conduits by Milk-dericed Protein with Biodegradation Polymer for Peripheral Nerve Regeneration.
투고 준비중
Update : 2023.01.04